Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I love my job! No, I REALLY love it!

I do love my job! Do many people love their jobs? I don't think they do love them.

My job is selling clothes on Trade Me. I am employed by me. Everything I do is for me. I sell for me, I write ads for me and I shop for me. How selfish of me.

If I want to I can give myself the day off. Though usually I don't want to. I love the Trade Me website i think it is very cool. If i win Big Wednesday (as if!) tonight I will still sell on Trade Me. Poor Sonia at the Accountant's Office will still have to sort out my GST and look after my tax affairs.

Through my job I have made some friends too. Some I have never met but they write to me and we have nice chit-chats and share photos and e-mails. Some I have met too. One is moving away to Sydney soon as he is not happy in Auckland. Another sells on TradeMe as well but not as much as she used too. She has other Trade Me related business to keep her busy though. If it were not for this fantastic yellow website I would not know her and that would be sad.

There would be a lot of fat chicks out there without jeans too. Yes naked fat ladies freezing or covering up their ample behinds in the dreaded track-pant! By the way if you think I am being insulting I am not. I used to be a BIIIIIIIIIG FAT LADY! Now, I am just a bit chubby.

Any way back to me. Things have not been going to well for me in the sales department on TradeMe. I think my customers have all run out of money and have dug into their wardrobes and hooked out the trackies again! I am sad about this because it means I am in the unenviable position of having to look for paid employment.

I thought to myself this morning while I was standing in the shower at 7am to get ready for a job interview how sad this is. I have finally found a job that i truly love, a job that is like a family member in my house. It goes: Chocolate, Jim, Allison, Shortie, Puff, Marlie, the big screen TV and little TradeMe. And I am at the point of it all going up in a puff of smoke! Nobody wants my shit! I have re-invented my trading self over and over in recent times and it is just not working. People have other choices. I have upped my prices, lowered them, had one dollar reserves and more. I know every nook and TradeMe cranny! I honestly believe that if anyone can be successful selling on Trade Me it would be me. Yet at the moment no!

I went to the job interview and filled out an invasive personal details form that was peppered with spelling mistakes. (Yes I know, pot kettle black! But I am a blogger not an employer so get over it!) The man when he called me yeaterday told me I had a "Novel" CV! I am glad he found it so fucking amusing but I really can't see what is funny about a one page basic CV that cuts though the bull shit. The job is not for me. It is commission only for a kick off. It involves a lot of sneaky stuff and eill take up a lot of my time for the possiblity of no return, so i am thinking its a no. I guess the last straw was when one of the interviewers told me about "The fat girl" he had hired last week! The fat girl is doing well there by the way and still works there. But I thought it was a "Novel" description! I guess we are even now mister!

It occured to me though that not only do I love Trade Me and everything about it, but I kind of fancy myself as well. Well I must! I think deep down that only arseholes write blogs, people who want to get out there and tell the world they are the big I AM! So maybe it is a case of if you can't beat them, join them! I often day dream. I think about all the things I would be good at doing and how I could be the very best in the world at certain tasks! While I am day dreaming I truly believe that there is no one better than I!! I am the best cook EVER! The best writer EVER! I see lots of jobs and think : "Oh fuck, I could do that with my eyes closed!" But the truth is I couldn't probably. It is just a dream, all of it! I do think that if some one some where would give me a chance i would be an excellent film star, rock star, (can't sing) TV presenter, radio host, chef, dog trainer, news letter writer, event organiser and on and on and on!

But deep down i know its all a dream. I do think that I am good at Trade Me though and here's hoping for a big economic upsurge so I can stay at home on my computer in my pyjamas and do what I love for the rest of my life!!!



  1. Does Jim know he comes a distant second to Chocolate?

  2. Ahh, it is Jim that eats all the chocolate!!!!!!!
