Friday, May 22, 2009

The Civic Car Park.

As you may have read below, last night I got dressed up and hit the Town! Well the Town Hall actually, followed by a trip to Greenlane Mac-Donaldo.

On the way in there are a shit load of signs, $8 for this, $6 for that, Three hours 19 bucks! Pre-pay and save, lose exit card pay with your first born, early bird special, late entry special, comedy show special, your so fucking special! I think all these signs serve to confuse rather than advertise and last night my point was proved!

Mr. Allison in Pyjamas said he thought the electronic voice gave good advice as our ticket was spat out of a metal post. It said: "Prepay $8 and save Queing after the show!" Excellent!
We approched the booth where a weather beaten attendant sat waiting for us. Mr. AIP rocked up and said: "I'll have the Early Bird special please!" Mr. Attendant was not happy at all!

He said: "You want the $8 prepay and save you know, Early bird special is in the morning!" Remember, he is behind a 200 inch thick glass window with a speaker in it that was switched off. Mr. AIP heard the $8 part but not much else so he said: "Yes, thats right, the $8 Early bird special! " Well, Mr. attendant looked like some one had fdropped a turd in his coffee!

He said in a very irritated tone: "Early Bird special is in the MORNING!!!!!" "You want $8 pre pay and SAVE!!!!!!!!" Mr. AIP could see he had committed the parking faux pas of the 00's! So he said "OOOOOOOAA, I am sorry, yes the $8 parking special!" Mr. PA still not happy, he muttered away "It's called $8 pre-pay and save, mumble mutter harummph!" You probably had to be there to get the full joke and I was there so I get it!

The things you miss when you stay home and internet all day!

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