Monday, May 11, 2009

I am sitting here at my computer again. I am wearing pyjama pants again. I have proper clothing on the rest of me. I am telling myself that by staying in my pyjamas I am saving money. I won't wear my street clothes out. I can keep them nice for when I have to leave my house.

Clothes are funny. The define us I think. When I go out wearing what I wear people look at me and make a judgement. If I am well dressed and made up with my hair done people will treat me with respect. They will smile at me and engage me. They will think I am well organised and efficient. They won't see the few extra kilos I carry. When I say: "But I am size 16!" they will say: "NO WAY!!!" They will ask me where I got my boots because they want some just the same. They want them so that people will ask them where they got their boots from. They think I have confidence, money and intelligence.

The truth is, when I am at home wearing my pyjamas, my oversized snuggly purple cardi, my black socks with a hole in the toe, have no make up on, no boots and my hair sticks up, I am still the same person. Yet if I went out wearing that people would think something else.

They would see my extra weight, "Size 16? more like a 24!" my chin rash and my scruffy exterior and think I was dumb, poor and a little nuts!

Being fat is the same as wearing pyjamas. Except you can't just get changed when you feel like it. You are fat all the time. All day. All night. At work, on the beach, in the supermarket and at a job interview. Fat people are thought of as stupid, lazy and un-motivated. Be honest here they are aren't they? Thats what you think isn't it? Even if you would NEVER say this.

Next time you see a chub-meister out in public don't treat them like they have their pyjamas on. Because they are the same as you, just bigger. Think about what it would be like if you were wearing your pyjamas instead. Would that make you nuts? Or would you still be the same?

I guess the difference here is I never liked being fat but I do like my pyjamas.


  1. Funny how things work, isn't it? I've never been subjected to any sort of snobbishness at a Louis Vuitton store (even when turning up there in jandals) but can't say the same for a local department store, where the staff seem to be of the opinion that if you're not wearing co-ordinating lippy and shoes, you're not good enough to be shopping there.
    I went looking for something to wear to a major event last year and after the wee chicky babe serving me spent her time looking me up and down like I was something nasty stuck to the sole of her shoe, I left and spent my money elsewhere. The stupid thing is, my salary is probably four times what that silly little bint is getting paid to peddle her overpriced frocks!

  2. Bootiful, Dartie, just bootiful :-)
