Friday, May 22, 2009

A Trip Out of the Home!

Last night I went out! I took off my pyjamas and I got dressed in my top quality Mereno dress, (I can't spell Marino or is it Merino?) any way i digress, my bootssssss and my little red Fiat and I headed to the big city! A scary thought for the Queen of pyjamas!

I went to see Chopper Reid (Fuckin' Hello!) It was fantastic! He was so funny at times I nearly cried! He is most certainly an aquired taste but my taste has aquired him! Thrill of the the night was to meet Heath Franklin, shake his hand and have my photo taken with him!

Even though I am a course bitch it was funny, I could not bring my self to follow the other mother-truckers and "flip the bird" for my picture! I just let my hands dangle loosely at my side and Chopper gave the thumbs up instead! I still get to hear the word "FUCK" used many times to great comic advantage yet I can come away with my picture and not be one of the hoards of people flippin' the bird!

It was nice to get dressed up, park in the Civic, wear too much make up and drink an overpriced glass of diet beveredge! It makes for a bright spot on a dull day!

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