Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Trade Me Pick Up

Tonight I had the Trade Me buy now pick up from hell. If someone told me about it I would laugh and not believe them! Person = bitch. She would not help me carry a giant heater to my car because her shoes were upstairs! I knocked on the door and it flew open! She yelled her own name at the top of her voice! Scary! I backed away! Then said: "I have come to pick up the heater if that's OK?" She said: "Have you brought any one who can help you carry it?" I looked around, I checked my pockets and peered up the driveway, nope I had definitely come alone. I said: "Perhaps you could give me a hand with it?" "But my shoes are upstairs!" "It does roll you know!" I looked down at the 10 steps that lead to her front door and thought "You roll it bitch!" I just stood there like a pet rock. In the end her flat mate helped begrudgingly. She dumped it next to the car and stalked inside, no goodbye from either of them! I somehow managed to hoist the thing into the back of my tiny Fiat. It did not fit properly. I rang Jim and got a phone lesson on tilting seat forward. It FIT! I backed out of bitches driveway, relieved. I was parked on the vehicle crossing waiting for my moment to nip out onto the main road. A man was walking along,
He was texting. He was walking. He was not looking. Texting, walking, whistling, walking, *SMACK!* The goon walked into my car!!!! I gave him the "You cock-knocker" stare! He looked rather embarrassed and just stood there for a second. He straightened up and walked around the car. As I backed out, the wheel fell off my giant heater. Great. I rounded the corner into my street. A bunch of young Polynesian gentle men were standing in the middle of the road to welcome me to my street. I nearly ran one of them over with the red terror! I also gave them a death stare! Who knew so much could happen in 15 minutes! At least the heater was a bargain!

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